Do you need to bridge a language gap and reach an audience in their native tongue? We can be that bridge by using our in-house translation, software localisation and multilingual content services.
The bridge-builders are our expert translators and content creators, along with our dedicated project managers, who’ve made Sandberg the world’s centre of excellence for communications in Northern Europe.
No other team in the world compares to our in-house specialists. With a keen understanding of cultural nuances – and how these inform the localisation process – our language experts will bridge the gap for you and give you the power to speak directly to your audience in their own language.
Sandberg was the first company in the UK to achieve both ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 certification.
ISO 17100 certifies the competency of the team, the use of technical resources, style guides and terminology, and the project management and translation processes.
ISO 18587 certifies competent human post-editing of machine-translated (MT) text. Using MT saves time during the translation process, but Sandberg’s final output is always the product of a competent human translator.
No translation is too small or too large for us to handle. Regardless of the volume, your project is important to you, and therefore important to us. We can help you to address your target audience with a text that grabs the reader’s attention, whether it’s the label on a shampoo bottle or an annual report for a blue-chip company.
We create a client profile for you and your requirements to ensure consistent service. Our project managers find the right translators for your project to ensure the best possible output.
We take no shortcuts. But equally, when it comes to low-volume, ad-hoc requests, we endeavour to make the process as streamlined and simple as possible.
What goes around comes around. No, we’re not talking about karma, just our firm belief that a satisfied client will find their way back to us.
If you have regular localisation requirements with medium to high volumes, we can offer you a bespoke service with a polished end product of which you can be proud.
Tailored collaboration means you’ll have project managers assigned to your account, input into the approval of translators working on your projects and an email inbox created specifically for you to ensure quick response times. We maintain digital resources for your projects, including translation memories, termbases and glossaries.
Like clothes, any quality service should be tailored to you.
For very special clients with daily translation requirements, we offer something truly premium. We can assign a team of in-house account linguists to your account, with their translation capacity at your disposal. You can communicate with them directly and they will become experts in your product, style guide and tone of voice. They are your team, but do not burden your payroll.
You also benefit from bespoke technology solutions via shared APIs and access to our out-of-hours service if turnaround times need to be particularly short.
We don’t come across clients such as these every day. If you have a global brand that people all over the world believe in, you need a dedicated partner to help you maintain a streamlined, continuous localisation process. Our teams are standing by to do just that.
© 2025 Sandberg Translation Partners Ltd. All rights reserved.
Company registration number: 4120504 VAT: GB619951996